Magic Carpets

For many Armenians, Oriental carpets are in their genetic code. We are drawn to them. Handmade carpets are artwork that can tell a story, can teach about history and culture, all the while keeping your feet warm. This poem tells the story of one carpet I fell in love with.

Persian Carpet

The carpet seduces like 

an old lover come to visit

I lift a corner and light

shivers blue and silver from the weave

sheep that jumped and spun the 

mountain air near

Shiraz transformed

Life pulses deep within the weaving

alive and woven into time

heart opens to the story this Gabbeh tells

Hands wove and knotted the telling

then open up to let the story go

May your day be graced with beauty.



About elainereardon

Writer, forest dweller, gardener, herbalist, and painter, often bumping into magic.
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