June’s Bounty

Available at finishing LIne press, info below. Pre- publishing price for 2 more weeks.shot

First, I offer a link to a TV interview and reading that focuses on my new book:


The local organic strawberry farm has finished its season, and my tiny wild ones are winding down. I still have rhubarb and a peach tree filled with growing fruits The lettuce is full, and the garlic is almost ready, a couple weeks early this year.

This past week we’ve had almost tropical weather very hot days- in the 90’s F, that end with the wind rushing through and bending trees and slamming down thunderstorms at the end of the day. Our tadpole pond is happy for the uptick in water levels, and it helps the garden. What are you up to in your corner of the world?

June Morning

The first early June morning 

I gather rhubarb at the garden’s edge,

where wild strawberries perfume the air.

Sweeter than any garden berry.

four would fill a thimble.

In the kitchen, I slice pale stalks,

eight cups worth, into the pot. 

Early summer simmers memories.

I stir, add sugar, cardamon, and vanilla.

Some things are constant in our lives, like this,

stirring at the stove on an early morning.

Greens and burgundy transform.

Grandmother, mother, and now me,

we’ve stirred at the stove for love.

Are you eating from a local source, or do you have a large garden? Do you grow flowers? I’d love to hear about it, and if you send pics, I’ll publish them here.



About elainereardon

Writer, forest dweller, gardener, herbalist, and painter, often bumping into magic.
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