New Poem Published by Paddock Press.

This poem is in my new chapbook, Stories Told in a Lost Tongue, up for presale now, and the link is below. If you are planning to purchase, this is a lower price than it will be after presale, and I’m happy to sign them for you. I won’t be selling them myself– there’s a distributor as this is a larger publisher than I’ve had in the past. Thanks for your consideration, and let me know if you’d like to set up a reading near you.

About elainereardon

Writer, forest dweller, gardener, herbalist, and painter, often bumping into magic.
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2 Responses to New Poem Published by Paddock Press.

  1. mangoman1 says:

    Hi Elaine,


    div>Woohoo! I just pre-purchased. Many blessings


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